Entries by Christian Veras

Out of Status or Entered Without Inspection, Now What?

The question my clients have been asking over and over for the past few weeks is this: I am out of status or entered without inspection, what do I do now? A person becomes out of status if they legally entered the United States with proper inspection (like a tourist visa), and then overstayed their […]


How to obtain a Green Card?

The immigration laws of the United States provide several ways for a person to legally immigrate to the US and obtain a permanent residence (or green card). The most common methods are through a family based petition, employment based petition or special immigrants (refugees and asylum recipients). This post will focus on how to obtain […]


How to prove a bona fide marriage?

When a US citizen or a lawful permanent resident (commonly referred as a “green card” holder) petitions to bring his/her spouse to the United States, the petitioner must prove that the couple has a bona fide marriage. A bona fide marriage is nothing more that proving the marriage between the couple is legitimate and not […]

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What is a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? 

Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection involves wiping out debt, and in some cases, liquidating your assets to pay off creditors. A Chapter 7 gives the person a financial fresh start. The entire process takes between 3 to 5 months and can get you back on the right path quickly. For those who own homes […]


Becoming a U.S. citizen is now easier

It is now easier to become a U.S. citizen as USCIS allows applicants to pay the application fee with a credit card. USCIS announced that you can now pay for your N-400 application by using a credit card. The current fee is $595 plus $85 for the biometrics fee. You can now pay both fees […]